Sharing My Experiences

While much of my career has focused on clear, concise UX copy, I've had many opportunities to share my travel experiences in long-form magazine articles.

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Scars of Sarajevo

Dispatches magazine

Nearly twenty years had passed since the end of the war, but for Melita Osmanagić, the memories of that time were never far. Like Sarajevo itself—a city that, while rebuilt, is still scarred by bullet holes and shell markings—Melita can’t push her pain far from the surface. “War topics,” she says, are always on her mind, splitting her life into two incomparable parts: before the siege and after.

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I Love the Nightlife

Global Traveler magazine

Every few minutes, someone shouts “Gun bae!” —“Cheers!” — and groups of friends clink small cups of soju. It’s nighttime in Seoul, and wherever I turn people play drinking games, gleefully shouting and laughing. No matter what day of the week, the streets of Seoul are full of people embracing the night.

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Countryside Comfort

Global Traveler magazine

Eastthorpe Hall left me pleasantly surprised. Instead of a towering, ornate facility, there was a well-groomed brick house seamlessly blending into the English countryside. It didn’t strike me as a location for unmatched luxury; rather, it evoked the feelings of peace and serenity you can only find at home. Opening the heavy wooden door and entering the spa, I was happy to see the inside of the house was no less charming than the outside.

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Like a fish out of water

Dispatches magazine

When I traveled to Japan, I knew I’d be forced to navigate the country’s intricate labyrinth of etiquette and customs, and fully expected that, with the blundering grace of a born-and-raised American, I would make several cultural faux pas. I just thought I would be fully clothed while I did it. But if traveling with O.A.T. has taught me anything, it’s that you need to embrace the unexpected.

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Providence: A Culinary Delight

Scene magazine

Sandwiched between Boston and New York City, Providence, Rhode Island is seldom considered a power player in the culinary scene. However, with major institutions like Johnson & Wales University and one of the last remaining “Little Italys” in the nation, Providence has quickly – and perhaps silently – risen to foodie fame.